Saturday, January 14, 2012

This week in January

Lot's going on!

Sunday join us at Whole Foods on Sunday January 15th for the grand opening of the Wellness Club!
Free and open to all 12:30-2:30 The jazz quartet
Route 1 Princeton!

Tuesday  Witherspoon Grill 6:30-10 pm Keith Wilbo and special guests Mark McDonald on Sax and Sim Cain on drums!

Saturday January 21st Keith, Catrice and Wilbo at TUSK restaurant on Rt 206 ! Great new venue for the trio. Fabulous food! Visit Tusk's website for reservations

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Tonite!!!January 3rd  and every Tuesday in January! Keith at the Witherspoon Grill 6:30-10pm

Keith, Catrice, Tom and Wilbo January 3rd

Keith, Catrice , Wilbo and guest drummer Grant Mcavoy January 10th

Keith, Mark McDonald (sax), and Sim Cain(drums) January 17th 

Keith, Wilbo, Grant and Rob Henke (trumpet January 24th)

Keith, Catrice, Wilbo and Tom January 31st